Daftar Ebook Komputer untuk Aplikasi Perpustakaan Digital atau e-Library Kubuku
Berikut ini adalah beberapa Daftar Ebook Komputer untuk Aplikasi Perpustakaan Digital atau e-Library Kubuku
- 72 Cara Jitu Menguasai Kolaborasi Adobe InDesign, Photoshop dan MS. Word (Ebook) - A.Taufiq Hidayatullah
- A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialists (Ebook) - Beisse
- A Guide to Customer Service Skills for the Service Desk Professional (Ebook) - Knapp
- A Guide to Service Desk Concepts (Ebook) - Knapp
- A Guide to SQL Tenth Edition (Ebook) - Mark Shellman; Hassan Afyouni; Philip J. Pratt; Mary Z. Last
- A+ Guide to Hardware (Ebook) - Jean Andrews; Joy Dark; Jill West
- A+ Guide to IT Technical Support (Hardware and Software) (Ebook) - Jean Andrews; Joy Dark; Jill West
- A+ Guide to Software (Ebook) - Jean Andrews; Joy Dark; Jill West
- Adobe Flash Creative Cloud Revealed Update (with CourseMate Printed Access Card) (Ebook) - Shuman
- Adobe® Dreamweaver® Creative Cloud (Ebook) - Hoisington/Minnick
- Adobe® Dreamweaver® Creative Cloud Revealed (Ebook) - Bishop
- Adobe® Illustrator Creative Cloud Revealed (Ebook) - Botello
- Adobe® InDesign Creative Cloud Revealed (Ebook) - Botello
- Adobe® Photoshop® Creative Cloud (Ebook) - Starks
- Adobe® Photoshop® Creative Cloud Revealed (Ebook) - Reding
- Adult Development and Aging (Ebook) - Berita Mambarasi Nehe, M.Pd.
- Advanced Word Processing Lessons 56-110 (Ebook) - Vanhuss/Forde/Woo/Robertson
- Algoritma dan Pemrograman dalam Bahasa Pascal dan C++ (Ebook) - Sutrisno Arianto Pasaribu
- Algoritma Dan Pemrograman Tingkat Dasar Dengan Delphi (Ebook) - Robin; Wenripin Chandra
- Algoritma dan Struktur Data 2 (Ebook) - Moch Sjukani; Nawindah; Achmad Solichin
- Alice 3 in Action (Ebook) - Adams
- Alice 3 in Action with Java™ (Ebook) - Adams
- An Introduction to Programming with C++ (Ebook) - Zak
- Analisis dan Desain Algoritma (Ebook) - Achmad Solichin; Ita Novita; Atik Ariesta; Moch. Sjukani
- Analisis Validitas & Asumsi Klasik (Ebook) - Danang Sunyoto
- Android Boot Camp for Developers Using Java® (Ebook) - Hoisington
- Ant Colony Algorithm for Repairing the Inconsistent Matrix AHP (Ebook) - Abba Suganda Girsang
- Aplikasi Inventory Gudang Menggunakan Google Sheet dan Google Data Studio (Ebook) - Akbar Dhukha Asyiqin
- Aplikasi Pemrograman WEB Dinamis dengan PHP dan MySQL ( Studi Kasus Membuat Sistem Informasi Pengolahan Data Buku ) (Ebook) - Bunafit Nugroho
- Aplikasi Perkantoran Open Office Dan WPS Office (Ebook) - Harianja
- Aplikasi Praktis SPSS dalam Penelitian (Ebook) - Agung Edy Wibowo, S.E., M.Si
- Aplikasi Sistem Pakar dengan PHP & Editor Dreamweaver (Ebook) - Bunafit Nugroho
- Aplikasi SPK Pemilihan Dosen Terbaik Metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) Dengan Java (Ebook) - Bay Haqi
- Arsitektur Komputer (Ebook) - Jan Everhard; TW Wisjhnuadji
- Bagaimana Melakukan Evaluasi Terhadap Teknologi Informasi pada Sistem Perkuliahan Online dengan Cobit 2019 (Ebook) - Didin Herlinudinkhaji; Prind Triajeng Pungkasanti; Nur Wakhidah
- Bahasa pemrograman komputer C C++ dan Java (Ebook) - Laofin Arifa, dkk.
- Beginning C++ Through Game Programming (Ebook) - Dawson
- Belajar Alat Analisis Data Dan Cara Pengolahannya Dengan SPSS (Ebook) - Duwi Priyatno
- Belajar Bersama Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 dan Crystal Report 8.5 (Ebook) - Iqbal Kamil Siregar
- Belajar Komputer Dasar (Ebook) - Ahmad Sabandi; Hade Afriansyah
- Belajar Mudah Bagi Pemula Coursera, Linkedin, dan Udemy (Ebook) - Aan Hendrayana; Agus Helfi Rahman; Nur''''aeni Aprilia
- Belajar Praktis Analisis Parametrik dan Non Parametrik Dengan SPSS (Ebook) - Duwi Priyatno
- Buku Ajar Cloud Computing (Ebook) - Mohamad Jamil; Rosihan; Achmad Fuad
- BUKU AJAR MENGGAMBAR 3D CAD (Ebook) - Ir. Suwarto, S.T., M.T., IPM.; Ir. Dr. Eng. Hidayat, S.T., M.T
- Buku Panduan Operator Komputer (Ebook) - Litharia Mandavena Sari
- Buku Pintar Aplikasi SMS dengan PHP dan MySql (Ebook) - Frangky Rawung
- Buku Referensi Kuesioner dalam Pengukuran Usability (Ebook) - Tenia Wahyuningrum
- C Programming for the Absolute Beginner, 3rd (Ebook) - Davenport/Vine
- C# Programming (Ebook) - Doyle
- CARA CEPAT MENGUASAI IPAD (Ebook) - Sigit Pamungkas
- Cara Mudah Desain Animasi Menggunakan 3DS Max Untuk Pemula dan Tingkat Lanjut (Ebook) - Drs. Widada HR
- Cara Mudah Editing Video dengan ULEAD STUDIO VIDEO (Ebook) - Drs. Widada HR
- Cara Mudah Kreasi Fotografi Plus Editing Image (Ebook) - Drs. Widada, M.Kom
- Century 21 (Ebook) - Jack P. Hoggatt, Ed. D; James R. Smith, Jr., Ed. D.; Jon A. Shank, Ed. D.
- Century 21® Computer Skills and Applications, Lessons 1-90 (Ebook) - Hoggatt/Shank/Smith
- Century 21® Digital Information Management, Lessons 1-145 (Ebook) - Hoggatt/Shank/Smith
- Century 21® Jr. Computer Applications with Keyboarding (Ebook) - Hoggatt/Shank/Smith
- Cepat Menguasai Pemrograman Android (Ebook) - Fachrul K dan Gianto W
- CISSP Guide to Security Essentials (Ebook) - Gregory
- Clearly Visual Basic® (Ebook) - Zak
- CMPTR (with CMPTR Online, 1 term (6 months) Printed Access Card) (Ebook) - Katherine T. Pinard; Robin M. Romer; Deborah Morley
- CompTIA A+ Core 1 Exam: Guide to Computing Infrastructure (Ebook) - Jean Andrews; Joy Dark; Jill West
- CompTIA A+ Core 2 Exam: Guide to Operating Systems and Security (Ebook) - Jean Andrews; Joy Dark; Jill West
- CompTIA A+ Guide to IT Technical Support (Ebook) - Jean Andrews; Joy Dark; Jill West
- CompTIA Cloud+ Guide to Cloud Computing (Ebook) - West
- CompTIA Linux+ Guide to Linux Certification (Ebook) - Eckert
- Computer Literacy BASICS (Ebook) - Morrison/Wells/Ruffolo
- Computer Organization & Architecture (Ebook) - Clements
- Computer Security and Penetration Testing (Ebook) - Basta/Basta/Brown PhD, CISSP, CISA
- Concepts of Database Management (Ebook) - Lisa Friedrichsen; dkk
- Convolutional Neural Networks Untuk Visi Komputer Jaringan Saraf Konvolusional untuk Visi Komputer(Arsitektur Baru, Transfer Learning, Fine Tuning, dan Pruning) (Ebook) - Sayuti Rahman, dkk
- Cybersecurity (Ebook) - Shoemaker/Sigler
- Dasar Pemrograman Komputer Menggunakan Flowgorithm dan Bahasa C (Ebook) - Dani Setiawan; Abdul Tahir
- Dasar Pemrograman PHP - MySQL dengan Dreamweaver (Ebook) - Bunafit Nugroho
- Dasar-dasar Komputasi Sinyal Digital (Ebook) - Hurriyatul Fitriyah; Edita Rosana Widasari
- Data Mining (Ebook) - Lailil Muflikhah; Dian Eka Ratnawati; Rekyan Regasari MP
- Data Structures and Algorithms in Python (Ebook) - Drozdek
- Database Systems: Design, Implementation, & Management (Ebook) - Coronel
- Deep Learning : Teori, Contoh Perhitungan, dan Implementasi (Ebook) - Novanto Yudistira
- Delphi 2010 dan Firebird; Membuat Aplikasi minimarket + CD (Ebook) - Bagus Wahyudi
- Desain Sistem Digital (Ebook) - Barlian Henryranu Prasetio; Rizal Maulana; Dahnial Syauqy
- Digital Media (Ebook) - Tena B. Crews; Karen May
- Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB®, International Edition (Ebook) - Robert J. Schilling; Sandra L. Harris
- Discovering Computers, Essentials (Ebook) - Vermaat; Sebok; Freund; Campbell
- Discovering the Internet (Ebook) - Campbell
- E-Discovery (Ebook) - Phillips/Godfrey/Steuart/Brown
- Enhanced Discovering Computers ©2017, Essentials (Ebook) - Vermaat/Sebok/Freund/Frydenberg/Campbell
- Enhanced Microsoft® Office 2013 (Ebook) - Hunt/Clemens
- Ethics in Information Technology (Ebook) - Reynolds
- Exploring Adobe® InDesign Creative Cloud (Ebook) - Rydberg
- Exploring the Basics of Drawing (with CourseMate Printed Access Card) (Ebook) - Vebell
- Exploring Typography (Ebook) - Rabinowitz
- FPGA DAN VHDL (Ebook) - Ferry Wahyu Wibowo
- Fundamental Jaringan Komputer : Teknologi, Protokol dan Keamanan (Ebook) - Juwari
- Fundamental Pemrograman (Ebook) - Azminuddin I. S. Azis, Zohrahayaty, dan Yasin Aril Mustofa
- Fundamentals of Information Systems (Ebook) - Stair/Reynolds
- Fundamentals of Python: Data Structures (Ebook) - Kenneth A. Lambert
- Fundamentals of Python: First Programs (Ebook) - Lambert
- Game Development with Unity (Ebook) - Menard/Wagstaff
- Guide to Computer Forensics and Investigations (Ebook) - Nelson; Phillips; Steuart
- Guide to Network Defense and Countermeasures (Ebook) - Weaver/Weaver/Farwood
- Guide to Networking Essentials (Ebook) - Greg Tomsho
- Guide to Networking Essentials (Ebook) - Tomsho
- Guide to Operating Systems (Ebook) - Tomsho
- Guide to Operating Systems (Ebook) - Tomsho
- Guide to Parallel Operating Systems with Windows® 10 and Linux (Ebook) - Carswell/Jiang/Hardee/Mahajan/Touchette
- Guide to Supporting Microsoft® Private Clouds (Ebook) - Carswell
- Guide to TCP/IP (Ebook) - Pyles/Carrell/Tittel
- Guide to Wireless Communications (Ebook) - Jorge L. Olenewa
- Hands on Virtual Computing (Ebook) - Simpson/Novak
- Hands-On Ethical Hacking and Network Defense (Ebook) - Michael T. Simpson; Nicholas D. Antill
- Hands-On Information Security Lab Manual (Ebook) - Whitman/Mattord/Green
- Hands-On Microsoft Windows Server 2016 (Ebook) - Palmer
- Hands-On Microsoft Windows Server 2019 (Ebook) - Eckert
- How to Develop The Apex Coop (Ebook) - Subagyo; Ilham Nasai
- HTML5 and CSS3, Illustrated Complete (Ebook) - Vodnik
- HTML5 and CSS3, Illustrated Introductory (Ebook) - Vodnik
- Illustrated Computer Concepts and Microsoft® Office 365 & Office 2016 (Ebook) - Parsons/Beskeen/Cram/Duffy/Friedrichsen/Reding
- Illustrated Course Guide Powerpoint (Advanced) (Ebook) - David W. Beskeen
- Illustrated Course Guide Powerpoint (Introductory) (Ebook) - David W. Beskeen
- Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft® Office 365 & Excel 2016 (Advanced) (Ebook) - Wermers
- Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft® Office 365 & Excel 2016 (Intermediate) (Ebook) - Wermers
- Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft® Office 365 & Excel 2016 (Introductory) (Ebook) - Reding/Wermers
- Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft® Office 365 & Word 2016 (Advanced) (Ebook) - Cram
- Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft® Office 365 & Word 2016 (Intermediate) (Ebook) - Duffy/Cram
- Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft® Office 365 & Word 2016 (Introductory) (Ebook) - Duffy
- Illustrated Course Guides : Problem Solving and Decision Making - Soft Skills for a Digital Workplace (Ebook) - Jeff Butterfield
- Illustrated Course Guides : Professionalism - Soft Skills for a Digital Workplace, 2e (Ebook) - Jeff Butterfield
- Illustrated Course Guides : Teamwork & Team Building - Soft Skills for a Digital Workplace, 2e (Ebook) - Jeff Butterfield
- Illustrated Course Guides : Verbal Communication - Soft Skills for a Digital Workplace (Ebook) - Jeff Butterfield
- Illustrated Course Guides : Written Communication - Soft Skills for a Digital Workplace (Ebook) - Jeff Butterfield
- Illustrated Microsoft (Ebook) - Lynn Wermers
- Illustrated Microsoft® Office 365 & Access 2016 (Ebook) - Friedrichsen
- Illustrated Microsoft® Office 365 & Access 2016 (Ebook) - Friedrichsen
- Illustrated Microsoft® Office 365 & Access 2016 (Ebook) - Friedrichsen
- Illustrated Microsoft® Office 365 & Excel 2016 (Ebook) - Reding/Wermers
- Illustrated Microsoft® Office 365 & Excel 2016 (Ebook) - Reding/Wermers
- Illustrated Microsoft® Office 365 & Excel 2016 (Ebook) - Reding/Wermers
- Illustrated Microsoft® Office 365 & Office 2016 (Ebook) - Beskeen/Cram/Duffy/Friedrichsen/Reding
- Illustrated Microsoft® Office 365 & Office 2016 (Ebook) - Beskeen/Cram/Duffy/Friedrichsen/Wermers
- Illustrated Microsoft® Office 365 & Office 2016 (Ebook) - Hunt/Clemens
- Illustrated Microsoft® Office 365 & PowerPoint 2016 (Ebook) - David W. Beskeen
- Illustrated Microsoft® Office 365 & PowerPoint 2016 (Ebook) - David W. Beskeen
- Illustrated Microsoft® Office 365 & Word 2016 (Ebook) - Duffy/Cram
- Illustrated Microsoft® Office 365 & Word 2016 (Ebook) - Duffy/Cram
- Illustrated Microsoft® Office 365 & Word 2016 (Ebook) - Duffy/Cram
- Illustrated Microsoft® Windows® 10 (Ebook) - Clemens
- Illustrated Microsoft® Windows® 10 (Ebook) - Clemens
- Illustrated Series™ Microsoft® Office 365® Access® 2019 Comprehensive (Ebook) - Lisa Friedrichsen
- Illustrated Series™ Microsoft® Office 365® Word® 2019 Comprehensive (Ebook) - Carol M. Cram; Jennifer Duffy
- Image Processing, Analysis, and Machine Vision (Ebook) - Sonka/Hlavac/Boyle
- Implementasi Data Mining Menggunakan Weka (Ebook) - Sigit Adinugroho; Yuita Arum Sari
- Implementasi Jaringan Komputer (Ebook) - Januar Al Amien; Harun Mukhtar
- Information Technology Project Management (Ebook) - Schwalbe
- Instrumentasi Biomedis berbasis PC (Ebook) - Sugondo Hadiyoso & Achmad Rizal
- Interaksi Manusia & Komputer (Ebook) - Supriyanta
- Interfacing Komputer (Ebook) - Yani Prabowo; Gatot Purwanto
- Internet Research Illustrated (Ebook) - Barker/Barker
- Invitation to Computer Science (Ebook) - Schneider; Gersting
- Jaringan Komputer & Komunikasi Data (Ebook) - Sastya Hendri Wibowo
- Jaringan Komputer dan Data Lanjut (Ebook) - Indrarini Dyah Irawati; Leanna Vidya Yovita; Tody Ariefianto Wibowo
- Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan + CD (Ebook) - Andri Kristanto
- Java Fundamental dengan Netbeans 8.0.2 (Ebook) - Nofriadi
- Java Programming (Ebook) - Farrell
- JavaScript (Ebook) - Vodnik/Gosselin
- KAMUS ISTILAH INFORMATIKA DAN ILMU KOMPUTER (Ebook) - Program Studi Informatika Kelas 5F
- Kamus Istilah Komputer & Informatika (Ebook) - Andina Masaleno
- Keyboarding and Word Processing Complete Course Lessons 1-110 (Ebook) - Vanhuss/Forde/Woo/Robertson
- Keyboarding and Word Processing Essentials Lessons 1-55 (Ebook) - Vanhuss/Forde/Woo/Robertson
- Keyboarding Course Lessons 1-25 (Ebook) - Vanhuss/Forde/Woo/Robertson
- Keyboarding Skill | Cara Praktis Terampil Mengetik 10 Jari (Ebook) - Khoirul Anam, S.E., MOS.
- Komputer (Ebook) - Arisandy Ambarita; Muharto; Muhdar Abdurahman; Faisal Kamran
- Komunikasi Data (Ebook) - Ikhwan Taufik
- Komunikasi Data dan Jaringan Komputer serta Analoginya dalam Konsep Subak (Ebook) - Ketut Agustini,; dkk.
- KOMUNIKASI GRAFIS: Dilengkapi Panduan Teknis Desain Layout dengan Aplikasi Software Grafis InDesign (Ebook) - Dr. Jokhanan Kristiyono, S.T., M.Med.Kom.
- Kubernetes Cluster: Implementasi Infrastruktur Aplikasi Digital Signature Documenso (Ebook) - Muhammad Agung Nugroho; Ragil Murdiantoro Aji
- Linux+ and LPIC-1 Guide to Linux Certification (Ebook) - Jason Eckert; triOS College
- Mahir Memperbaiki dan Merawat Notebook (Ebook) - Yulius Eka Agung Seputra
- Mahir Pengoperasian CNC Milling dengan Kontroller Fanuc (Ebook) - Widodo
- Management of Information Security (Ebook) - Whitman; Mattord
- Manajemen Basis Data Menggunakan MySQL (Ebook) - Robi Yanto
- MCSA Guide to Identity with Windows Server (Ebook) - Tomsho
- MCSA Guide to Installation, Storage, and Compute with Microsoft (Ebook) - Tomsho
- MCSA Guide to Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (Exam 70-462) (Ebook) - Akkawi/Akkawi/Schofield
- MCSA Guide to Networking with Windows Server (Ebook) - Tomsho
- Membangun Aplikasi Gamification untuk Kolaborasi Small Medium Enterprise (SME) (Ebook) - Fitri Marisa; dkk
- Membongkar Source Code berbagai Aplikasi ANDROID (Ebook) - Ivan Michael Siregar
- Membongkar Teknologi Pemrograman Web Service Jilid 2 (Ebook) - Ivan Michael Siregar
- Membongkar Teknologi Pemrograman Web Service (Ebook) - Ivan Michael Siregar & Johannes Purba
- Membuat Aplikasi E-Learning dgn PHP-MySQL dan Dreamweaver (Ebook) - Bunafit Nugroho
- Membuat Aplikasi Koperasi Simpan Pinjam dengan PHP-MySQL dan Dreamweaver (Ebook) - Bunafit Nugroho
- Membuat Jaringan Hotspot Dengan Load Balance Dan Custom Chain Menggunakan Mikrotik Router (Ebook) - Joko Purnomo; Sunaryono dan Riana Safitri
- Mengenal Lebih Jauh Dasar Pemrograman Python Teori dan Praktik (Ebook) - Nyaris Pambudiyatno; Suhanto; Bambang Bagus Harianto
- Mengotak-atik Windows dgn VB Script (Ebook) - VigoryViva CR
- Menjadi Kreator Konten di Era Digital (Ebook) - Lathifah Edib
- Menulis Karya Tulis Ilmiah dengan Komputer (Ebook) - Wing Wahyu W., MAFIS, Akt.
- Metode Penelitian Dan Pengolahan Data Untuk Pengambilan Keputusan Pada Perusahaan (Ebook) - Julio Warmansyah
- Microsoft Project 2010: Bahas Tuntas dengan Ribbon (Ebook) - Fachrurrazi
- Microsoft Specialist Guide to Microsoft Windows 10 (Exam 70-697, Configuring Windows Devices) (Ebook) - Byron Wright; Leon Plesniarski
- Microsoft Visual C# 2017: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (Ebook) - Farrell
- Microsoft® Office 2013 (Ebook) - Cram/Friedrichsen/Wermers
- Microsoft® Publisher 2013 (Ebook) - Reding
- Microsoft® Publisher 2013 (Ebook) - Starks
- Microsoft® Visual Basic 2015 (Ebook) - Zak
- Microsoft® Windows 8 (Ebook) - Freund/Enger/Hoisington
- MIS (Ebook) - Hossein Bidgoli
- Mobile Apps and Organic Waste (Ebook) - Siti Rohajawati; Deffi Ayu Puspito Sari
- MODUL PSIM (Ebook) - Dr. Hansi Effendi, S.T., M.Kom
- Monograf Membangun Sistem Informasi Pengasuhan Berbasis Website untuk Sekolah Kedinasan (Ebook) - Fauziah Nur; Ayub Wimatra; Sukarwoto
- Mudah Belajar Arduino dengan Pendekatan berbasis Fritzing, Tinkercad dan Proteus (Ebook) - Fahmizal; dkk
- Mudah Belajar Desain Grafis dengan Aplikasi Canva (Ebook) - Utami Pratiwi, S.Pd.
- New Perspectives HTML5 and CSS3 (Ebook) - Carey
- New Perspectives Microsoft Office 365 & Access 2019 Comprehensive (Ebook) - Mark Shellman; Sasha Vodnik
- New Perspectives Microsoft Office 365 & Office 2019 Advanced (Ebook) - Patrick Carey; Katherine T. Pinard; Mark Shellman
- New Perspectives Microsoft Office 365 & Office 2019 Intermediate (Ebook) - Patrick Carey; Katherine T. Pinard; Ann Shaffer; Sasha Vodnik
- New Perspectives Microsoft Office 365® PowerPoint® 2019 Comprehensiv (Ebook) - Katherine T. Pinard
- New Perspectives Microsoft® Office 365 & Access 2016 (Ebook) - Shellman/Vodnik
- New Perspectives Microsoft® Office 365 & Access 2016 (Ebook) - Shellman/Vodnik
- New Perspectives Microsoft® Office 365 & Access 2016 (Ebook) - Shellman/Vodnik
- New Perspectives Microsoft® Office 365 & Excel 2016 (Ebook) - Parsons/Oja/Carey/DesJardins
- New Perspectives Microsoft® Office 365 & Excel 2016 (Ebook) - Parsons/Oja/Carey/DesJardins
- New Perspectives Microsoft® Office 365 & Excel 2016 (Ebook) - Carey/DesJardins
- New Perspectives Microsoft® Office 365 & Office 2016 (Ebook) - Carey/DesJardins//Shaffer/Shellman/Vodnik
- New Perspectives Microsoft® Office 365 & Office 2016 (Ebook) - Carey/DesJardins/Shaffer/Shellman/Vodnik
- New Perspectives Microsoft® Office 365 & PowerPoint 2016 (Ebook) - Katherine T. Pinard
- New Perspectives Microsoft® Office 365 & PowerPoint 2016 (Ebook) - Katherine T. Pinard
- New Perspectives Microsoft® Office 365 & Word 2016 (Ebook) - Shaffer/Pinard
- New Perspectives Microsoft® Office 365 & Word 2016 (Ebook) - Shaffer/Pinard
- New Perspectives Microsoft® Office 365 & Word 2016 (Ebook) - Shaffer/Pinard
- New Perspectives Microsoft® Office 365® Word 2019 Comprehensive (Ebook) - Ann Shaffer; Katherine T. Pinard
- New Perspectives Microsoft® Windows 10 (Ebook) - June Jamrich Parsons; Dan Oja; Lisa Ruffolo
- New Perspectives Microsoft® Windows® 10 (Ebook) - June Jamrich Parsons; Dan Oja; Lisa Ruffolo
- New Perspectives Microsoft® Windows® 10 (Ebook) - June Jamrich Parsons; Dan Oja; Lisa Ruffolo
- New Perspectives on HTML 5 and CSS: Comprehensive (Ebook) - Patrick Carey
- New Perspectives on HTML, CSS, and XML, Comprehensive (Ebook) - Carey
- New Perspectives on HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript (Ebook) - Carey
- New Perspectives on Microsoft® Excel® 2013, Comprehensive Enhanced Edition (Ebook) - Ageloff/Carey/Parsons/Oja/DesJardins
- New Perspectives on Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2013, Comprehensive Enhanced Edition (Ebook) - Zimmerman/Zimmerman/Shaffer/Pinard
- New Perspectives on XML, Comprehensive (Ebook) - Carey/Vodnik
- New Perspectives Portfolio Projects for Soft Skills (Ebook) - Beverly Amer
- Objective-C and iOS Programming (Ebook) - Khan
- Panduan Cepat Menguasai TI dan Komunikasi (Ebook) - Ali Akbar
- Panduan Kreatif Jago Animator dalam sehari Menggunakan Scratch (Ebook) - Drs.H.Widada HR
- Panduan Kreatif Menggunakan Komputer untuk Anak dan Remaja (Ebook) - Drs.H.Widada HR
- Panduan Membuat Aplikasi Program Toko berbasis WEB dengan PHP-MySQL dan Dreamweaver (Ebook) - Bunafit Nugroho
- Panduan Membuat Program Toko Dengan Visual Basic dan MySQL (Ebook) - Bunafit Nugroho
- Panduan Membuat Toko Online di Facebook (Ebook) - Efvy
- Panduan Menggunakan Aplikasi Zoom Cloud Meetings (Ebook) - Ferdi Azkiya
- Panduan Pemilu Desa Berbasis Website (Teknologi Sistem Cerdas Dan Implementasi Di Masyarakat) (Ebook) - Abdul Azis, dkk
- Panduan Praktis Membuat & Memublikasi Video Bahan Ajar (Ebook) - Didiek Hari Nugroho
- Panduan Praktis Penggunaan Aplikasi Hadis, Cara Mudah Mencari dan Meneliti Hadis Versi Digital (Ebook) - Juriono
- PELATIHAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN INTERAKTIF (Ebook) - Khoiru Nurfitri, M.Kom; Ismail Izzurroza, M.Kom
- Pemrograman Bahasa Assembly Konsep Dasar Dan Implementasi (Ebook) - Sulistiyasni dan M. Akbar Setiawan
- Pemrograman Dasar (Ebook) - Mardi Turnip; Abdi Dharma
- Pemrograman MATLAB pada Sistem Pakar Fuzzy (Ebook) - Mohammad Yazdi Pusadan
- Pemrograman Matlab untuk Pengolahan Citra Digital (Ebook) - Sekaring Tyas Widyardini
- Pemrograman Web dengan Menggunakan PHP dan Framework Codeigniter (Ebook) - Supono; Vidiandry Putratama
- Pengantar Analisis dan Desain PLC (Ebook) - Mochammad Rusli
- Pengantar Ilmu Geoinformatika (Ebook) - Fatwa Ramdani
- Pengantar Sistem Basis Data (Ebook) - Safrina Amini; Sri Mulyati; Gandung Triyono
- Pengembangan Mode Transportasi Light Rail Transit Berbasis Sistem Dinamik (Ebook) - Erma Suryani; dkk
- Pengenalan Dasar SQL (Ebook) - Hermawan Setya Budi
- Pengolahan Citra Satelit dengan Matlab (Ebook) - Candra Dewi & Ahmad Afif Supianto
- Pengolahan dan Analisis Data Statistika dengan SPSS (Ebook) - Nia Sari; Ratna Wardani
- Pengolahan Sinyal Digital (Ebook) - Ali Mustofa, ST, MT
- Penilaian Berbasis Perangkat Lunak Menuju Paperless Assessment (Ebook) - Ibnu Fazar
- Perancangan dan Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Berbasis Scrum (Ebook) - Mohd Amiruddin Saddam
- Principles of Incident Response and Disaster Recovery (Ebook) - Whitman/Mattord/Green
- Principles of Information Systems (Ebook) - Ralph M. Stair; George W. Reynolds
- Principles of Web Design (Ebook) - Sklar
- Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2017 (Ebook) - Zak
- Progress Report Di era Industri 4.0 (Aplikasi MS. Project) (Ebook) - Putri Lynna A. LuthanSyafriandi
- Prosedur-Prosedur Analisis Populer Aplikasi Riset Skripsi dan Tesis dengan Eviews (Ebook) - Jonatan Sarwono
- Rancang Bangun Ensemble Learning untuk Pelestarian Makanan Tradisional Indonesia (Ebook) - Nurhayati
- Readings from Java Data Structures (Ebook) - Azevedo; Cutajar
- Readings from Python Fundamentals (Ebook) - Cengage
- Responsive Web Design with HTML 5 & CSS (Ebook) - Jessica Minnick
- Security Awareness (Ebook) - Mark Ciampa
- Shelly Cashman Series® Discovering Computers & Microsoft® Office 365 & Office 2016 (Ebook) - Campbell/Freund/Frydenberg/Last/Pratt/Sebok/Vermaat
- Shelly Cashman Series® Microsoft® /Windows® 10 Comprehensive 2019 Edition (Ebook) - Steven M. Freund
- Shelly Cashman Series® Microsoft® Office 365 & Access 2016 (Ebook) - Pratt/Last
- Shelly Cashman Series® Microsoft® Office 365 & Access 2016 (Ebook) - Pratt/Last
- Shelly Cashman Series® Microsoft® Office 365 & Access 2016 (Ebook) - Pratt/Last
- Shelly Cashman Series® Microsoft® Office 365 & Excel 2016 (Ebook) - Freund/Starks/Schmieder
- Shelly Cashman Series® Microsoft® Office 365 & Excel 2016 (Ebook) - Freund/Starks/Schmieder
- Shelly Cashman Series® Microsoft® Office 365 & Excel 2016 (Ebook) - Freund/Starks/Schmieder
- Shelly Cashman Series® Microsoft® Office 365 & Office 2016 (Ebook) - Vermaat/Freund/Hoisington/Schmeider/Last/Pratt/Sebok/Starks
- Shelly Cashman Series® Microsoft® Office 365 & Office 2016 (Ebook) - Freund/Last/Pratt/Sebok/Vermaat
- Shelly Cashman Series® Microsoft® Office 365 & Office 2016 (Ebook) - Freund/Last/Pratt/Sebok/Vermaat
- Shelly Cashman Series® Microsoft® Office 365 & Office 2016 (Ebook) - Freund/Last/Pratt/Sebok/Vermaat
- Shelly Cashman Series® Microsoft® Office 365 & Outlook 2016 (Ebook) - Hoisington
- Shelly Cashman Series® Microsoft® Office 365 & Outlook 2016 (Ebook) - Hoisington
- Shelly Cashman Series® Microsoft® Office 365 & PowerPoint 2016 (Ebook) - Sebok
- Shelly Cashman Series® Microsoft® Office 365 & PowerPoint 2016 (Ebook) - Sebok
- Shelly Cashman Series® Microsoft® Office 365 & PowerPoint 2016 (Ebook) - Sebok
- Shelly Cashman Series® Microsoft® Office 365 & Word 2016 (Ebook) - Vermaat
- Shelly Cashman Series® Microsoft® Office 365 & Word 2016 (Ebook) - Vermaat
- Shelly Cashman Series® Microsoft® Office 365 & Word 2016 (Ebook) - Vermaat
- Shelly Cashman Series® Microsoft® Office 365® & Excel® 2019 Comprehensive (Ebook) - Steven M. Freund; Joy L. Starks
- Shelly Cashman Series® Microsoft® Office 365® & Outlook® 2019 Comprehensive (Ebook) - Corinne Hoisington
- Shelly Cashman Series® Microsoft® Office 365® & PowerPoint® 2019 Comprehensive (Ebook) - Susan L. Sebok
- Shelly Cashman Series® Microsoft® Office 365® & Publisher 2019 Comprehensive (Ebook) - Joy L. Starks; Misty E. Vermaat
- Shelly Cashman Series® Microsoft® Office 365® & Word® 2019 Comprehensive (Ebook) - Misty E. Vermaat
- Shelly Cashman Series® Microsoft® Windows 10 (Ebook) - Freund/Schmieder
- Shelly Cashman Series® Microsoft® Windows 10 (Ebook) - Freund/Schmieder
- Shelly Cashman Series® Microsoft® Windows 10 (Ebook) - Freund/Schmieder
- Sistem Administrasi Jaringan dengan Linux Mandriva: Sebuah Panduan Praktis (Ebook) - Tamsir Ariyadi; Suryayusra; Maria Ulfa
- Sistem Basis Data (Ebook) - Agus Wahyu Widodo; Diva Kurnianingtyas
- Sistem Fuzzy Terapan dengan Software R (Ebook) - Samingun Handoyo, S.Si., M.Cs; Ari Purwanto Sarwo Prasojo, S.Si
- Sistem Informasi Akuntansi (Beserta Contoh Penerapan Aplikasi Sia Sederhana Dalam UMKM) (Ebook) - Kurnia Cahya Lestari dan Arni Muarifah Amri
- Sistem Informasi Geografis Berbasis Web (Teori dan Implementasi Aplikasi) (Ebook) - Anik Vega Vitianingsih; dkk
- SISTEM OPERASI (Ebook) - Untoro Apsiswanto, ST, MTI; Sita Muharni, S.Kom, MTI
- Sistem Pakar (Ebook) - B. Herawan Hayadi
- Software Engineering (Ebook) - Yurindra
- Solusi Kesenjangan Informasi Digital di Daerah Rural (Pendekatan Praktis) (Ebook) - Eko Sakti Pramukantoro
- Spss Penelitian Keperilakuan (Ebook) - Muhammad Zakiy, S.E.I., M.Sc.
- SPSS Untuk Paramedis (Ebook) - V. Wiratna Sujarweni
- Stimulasi Proses Fund-Raising dengan Menggunakan Security Token Offering dalam Teknologi Blockchain (Ebook) - Richard Wiputra; Editor: Rizki Nur Utami
- Struktur Data Pendekatan Pemrograman Berorientasi Objek (Ebook) - Agung Setiawan; Ambiyar; Riki Mukhaiyar; dkk
- Succeeding in Business with Microsoft® Access 2013 (Ebook) - Cable
- Succeeding in Business with Microsoft® Excel® 2013 (Ebook) - Gross/Akaiwa/Nordquist
- Systems Analysis and Design (Ebook) - Scott Tilley
- Teknik Open Source (Ebook) - Harun Mukhtar
- Teknik Pengolahan Isyarat Digital (Ebook) - Risanuri Hidayat
- The Book of Alternative Photographic Processes (Ebook) - James
- The Design Collection Revealed Creative Cloud (Ebook) - Botello/Reding
- The Global Future (Ebook) - Kegley/Raymond
- The Graphic Designer's Digital Toolkit (Ebook) - Julia T. Wood
- The Official GameSalad® Guide to Game Development (Ebook) - GameSalad/Novak
- The Web Collection Revealed Creative Cloud (Ebook) - Bishop/Shuman/Vodnik
- Trik Mudah Menguasai Microsoft Word 2013 (Ebook) - Ferry Putrawansyah
- Understanding Computers (Ebook) - Morley/Parker
- Understanding Computers in a Changing Society (Ebook) - Morley
- Understanding Operating Systems (Ebook) - McHoes/Flynn
- Web Design with HTML & CSS3 (Ebook) - Jessica Minnick
- Web Design with HTML & CSS3 (Ebook) - Jessica Minnick
- Web Design with HTML & CSS3 (Ebook) - Minnick/Friedrichsen
- Web Design: Introductory (Ebook) - Campbell
- What is Expert System (Ebook) - B. Herawan Hayadi; Kasman Rukun
- Worm Undercover (Ebook) - Vygoriviva CR
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